- – Open standard for LEGO CAD programs that allow the user to create virtual LEGO models and scenes.
- – Private, independent website featuring LEGO sculptures, mosaics, news, reviews, and building tips & tricks.
- – BrickJournal is a magazine that spotlights the many aspects of the LEGO Community.
- – Cool LEGO building stuff.
- – More cool LEGO stuff, including a list of parts numbers and names; color chart, sets, building instructions
- – For LEGO castle aficionados
- – Premium venue for individuals and businesses from all around the world to buy and sell new, used and vintage LEGO
- – The Brothers Brick is a LEGO blog for adult fans of LEGO
- – International LEGO Users Group Network, a global community of LEGO enthusiasts.
- EV3 Programming Video Tutorials – Discover how LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 can quickly revolutionize learning and deliver outstanding lessons throughout your school.
- Educational Robots for Absolute Beginners – Designed for K-12 teachers, but free and open to all who are interested, these two self-paced online courses (one covering the EV3 and the other the NXT) teach the fundamentals of LEGO robot programming and were designed specifically to introduce LEGO robotics to teachers and prospective or beginning FLL coaches. No prior background in programming or robotics is necessary. Participants who complete a set of five robot programming projects can earn a certificate of completion.
- EV3 Programming Tutorial
- NXT Programming Tutorial – Downloadable, excellent introductory and advanced programming tutorials for NXT. Provides step-by-step guidance and explanations of the skills needed to create simple and more advanced NXT-G robot code.
- Fundamentals of NXT-G Programming – A free, self-paced introductory programming course designed to cover the fundamentals of NXT-G programming. Students have the ability to earn Badges to represent their accomplishments. There is also an optional cumulative exam that lets students earn an “NXT-G Programming Fundamentals” badge.
- NXT Programming for Beginners – courtesy of Neil Rosenberg, Excellent resource for all levels of NXT users.
- – Step-by-step instructions to build & program robots to do various simple tasks
- NXTLOG – from, Share and archive your LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT projects.
Materials in Support of the Classroom
- GEAR-Tech-21– Includes six to nine activity modules introducing robot design, building and programming for the LEGO NXT
- Carnegie Mellon– Comprehensive FIRST LEGO League robotics and engineering resources can be found at the Robotics Academy site. The Robotics Academy also offers free online training and access to free materials for students who are members of the Robotics Academy’s Computer Science Student Network ( CS2N). The online trainings cover everything that teams need to know to be successful at programming their FLL robots. The Robotics Academy also offers free training for TETRIX robots.
- NASA Educational Robotics Matrix This is a list of robotics and engineering educational materials, collected by NASA. Not all of the materials here apply to FIRST LEGO League.
- Tufts Center for Engineering Educational Outreach – Encyclopedia of LEGO part names and uses, building and programming hints, and physics concepts. Also, about 40 classroom activities and ideas using LEGO elements and ROBOLAB to help teach subjects, from science and engineering to reading and art, are available for download. Another database of activities is below under LEGO Invent & Investigate Database.
- Trifolioum Gears Lesson – A lesson plan about gear types and uses using LEGO gears to illustrate. Introduction to gears lesson.
- How Stuff Works – Explanations of how things work. It is not a curricula, and not specific to FIRST LEGO League, but has very good explanations of general engineering concepts. For example, How Gears Work, How Gear Ratios Work, and How Differentials Work.