There are many awards that a team may earn at a qualifier, Innovation Project, Core Values, Robot Design, Global Innovation, Robot Performance, and Champions Award are some examples. Not every Qualifier may have each award.
Advancement and Champions Award
The Champions Award and Advancement process has changed for the 2019-2020 City Shaper Season! Both the Champions Award and advancement decisions are now decided based upon team performance across all four core awards: Core Values, Innovation Project, Robot Design, and Robot Performance. Each of the four core award areas are equally weighted.
Innovation project
This award recognizes a team that utilizes diverse resources to formulate an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the problem they have identified. The team’s solution that is exceptionally well-considered and creative, with good potential to solve the problem researched. The team effectively communicates the problem they have identified and their proposed solution.
Global Innovation Award
The FIRST LEGO League Global Innovation Award is designed to showcase the real-world, innovative solutions that FIRST LEGO League teams create as a result of their Innovation Project. This season, we will be once again running a pilot award process for this award nomination. The Project judges at each qualifier will nominate the team that they have identified as the most innovative solution at their qualifier. Each of these teams will be invited to submit their project presentation via video in early February, to compete for the Maryland region Global Innovation Finalist nominations. For more details visit
Core Values
This award celebrates a team that is empowered by their FIRST LEGO League experience and displays extraordinary enthusiasm and spirit. The team that is able to accomplish more together than they could as individuals through shared goals, strong communication, effective problem solving and excellent time management.
Robot Design
This award recognizes a team that designs and develops a mechanically sound robot that is durable, effectively programmed, efficient, and highly capable of performing the Robot Game.
Robot Performance
This award recognizes a team that scores the most points during the Robot Game. Teams have a chance to compete in three 2.5 minute matches and only the highest score counts.