The Wyngate lego First LEGO League (FLL) team had its inaugural last year. The year went well, 11 kids worked for 3 months and competed in an FLL qualifier event. The plan (prior to covid) was to grow the program this year to 2 teams, or 20 kids. Unfortunately due to covid, plans have changed. The team plans to not meet, not build an FLL robot and sit out the 20-21 FLL season. If all goes well the team will be back in action for the 21-22 school year.
However, if interest is high enough we could do something LEGO related this year for the entire student body an Wyngate. We could pose a monthly LEGO challenge, where kids would use their own legos to accomplish some goal, make a video and the winner will get some type of LEGO prize.
Here are a few examples:
– launch a ping pong ball from the floor into a small trash can. longest shot wins.
– draw a strait line, longest, straight line wins.
– collapsible, expandable mechanism, mechanisms with the largest size change wins. (must not include any breaking of the mechanism to change shape)
– launch a rubber band from the floor at a door knob . Longest shot that hits the door know wins.
– turn on a light switch when a door is opened, least number of pieces wins.
If we were to do this, we would push the videos to the team’s website therefore, we would ask for parents to blur their child’s face prior to submitting the videos, unless sharing your child’s face with the web is acceptable to you. As always, we only use first names for children.
If this options would be of interest to parents, please fill in this form If you have ideas for how to improve the idea, definitely comment.
Images from last season